Vocals (4)

Neuman Pinto's EP Let's Go Back Is A Reminder About How We've Swapped Simpler Times For Faster, More Anxious Lives  

A little over two decades ago, I first saw Neuman Pinto perform on stage at the St. Andrews College Auditorium. Many students from Andrews hail from choir-singing backgrounds and it's only natural that they end up forming or joining acappella groups. Though acappella was uncommon…

By R. R. Rozario

Video: An Exclusive Interview with Prolific Film and Indie Music Producer Prateek Gandhi 

Prateek Gandhi can handle just about anything you throw at him. We noticed how many songs we hear on a daily basis that have been worked on by Prateek. We had to heart-to-heart talk with him about everything, his Bollywood music, how he picks his…

By Flipsyde Staff

An Ode to the Future: Why Artists like Mayur Koli are important to Indian indie music

They are willing to work hard, build bridges and are wholly open to learning. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed, at least in India, and at least with those around me, is no one has been more busy during the lockdown than the Zoomers. My…

By R. R. Rozario

Is Shaan Kambli India's next Pop Icon?

"He speaks to my soul" "Spellbound by his voice" "Reminds me of Owlcity" These are some of the comments about 20-year-old Shaan Kambli's single Postcard, a song about one’s lack of control over the outcome of a relationship and the resultant desperation in clinging to…

By R. R. Rozario