Indie Producer Mayur Koli Drops Four New Music Videos For His 2020 Album Unspoken

The last time I spoke to Mayur, he’d just released his EP “Unspoken” and by the end of our conversation, he’d made a promise to follow it up with music videos for each song. This was in November and by then, I guess, the world had had enough of the animated music videos and lyric videos that had become a popular format due to social distancing.

In the past two months, Mayur Koli and his team, all college students from Mumbai, have worked hard to shoot and produce the four videos for Heartfelt ft. Trisha Gaitonde & J, Last Time ft. Anoushka Sivasankar, House of Cards ft. Harsh Vaibhav and Closure ft. Dwain Willis.

The videos, like the songs, tell a single story comprising events from Koli’s life, the many moments of confusion and isolation he’d experienced growing up. The stories of love, friendships and relationships are played out quite hauntingly through the stylistic visuals in videos created by Hritik Punjabi & Siddharth Ahuja (Who also created the cover art for the EP). Interestingly, the cast is also made up entirely of college students.

Today, Mayur takes us through each individual video and the story behind it. 


“The first video has two male characters, one of which is the rapper, himself. Both are going through a similar situation (relationship-wise) but the character of the rapper is more aware. This is why the shots featuring him are mostly in the day time. We’ve tried to connect the two stories at several points in the video, especially when their cars come to a halt at the same junction. This shot in the night is to illustrate how they’re still going through the same situation, though both deal with it in different ways.”


“This video is a continuation of the same story, but this time from the woman’s point of view. Again, what the woman feels is like the two in the first video except that after dealing with it in her own way, she’s made her peace with it.” 


“The third video is literally spoon-fed to the audience. We have a man who’s partner has just died. When he crosses the girl from the second video in the street, he’s reminded of his partner.”


“In the last video, when you see my character tripping and hallucinating, you realise that it brings the first three videos together and reveals that this is actually my story. There are a lot of details in the videos to do with camera angles, if one were to look closely that sort of give the viewer subliminal clues throughout.”

Mayur Koli has a penchant for telling interconnected stories running through entire albums and EPs. His next project, which he has already begun work, will also play out in the same manner. So continue to watch this space for updates on it.