Emiway's Latest Single racks up 2.3 million views in 3 days, Trends at No. 4!

Emiway AKA Bilal Shaikh is one of the only Hip Hop artists in India who has relied entirely on himself and the power of social media for his fame and fortune. Since the beginning, he has composed, produced, recorded and edited his music himself. Cumulatively his videos have racked up hundreds of millions of views, with 266 million on a single video. These stats are unheard of from any indie artist and kind of the dream most will never see becoming a reality.

His latest single 100 Kadam Pe has racked up more than 2.3 million views and nearly 36,000 comments. It's currently trending on YouTube and will see a lot more traffic over the next week.

Watch 100 Kadam Pe